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华文崇拜会 (录影)

爱加倍卫理公会 崇拜会录影(华语): 09 .02. 2025
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English Worship Service (Recorded) 

Discussion Questions: 9 February 2025
Sermon: How To Affair-proof Our Marriages & Relationships

Bible Passage: Exodus 20:14

1. Exodus 20:14 states, "You shall not commit adultery." 
In what ways does the commandment against adultery extend beyond physical unfaithfulness, and how does it shape our understanding of faithfulness in our marriages and relationships today?

2. How does Psalm 139:1-4 deepen our understanding of God's knowledge of us, and how should this awareness change the way we deal with temptations or sinful thoughts?

3. How do the characteristics of love described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 provide a model for how we should love and relate to our spouses in marriage?

4. How does 1 Peter 2:11-12 challenge the way we live our lives, particularly in how we manage our marriages and relationships?


The seed planted in the 1980s by Faith Methodist Church (FMC) as a grassroots ministry bore fruit as a church 25 years later.  Though the growing process, from taking roots to bearing fruits, had not been smooth and easy, God had been faithful.

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华语主日崇拜: 早上 9:00, 二楼,第一厅

English Service: Sunday at 11am, Level 2, Hall 1

Office No. : 62653211

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