To Disciple One Another Towards Christlikeness
The Discipleship and Nurture (D&N) ministry journeys with and supports our congregation members in their personal spiritual growth. We recognize that spiritual growth is a life-long journey of faith that needs “traveling” companions, resources, and other relevant avenues to continue spiritual development as well as supporting one another as disciples of Christ.
Some D&N initiatives:
Coordinating discipleship mentoring for new believers and members, facilitating induction into Small Group life
Discipleship classes, workshops & talks
Small Group curriculum for daily podcast and weekly sermon discussions which encourages reflection and application
Resource and curriculum repository for Small Groups discipleship
Books and articles recommendations for personal discipleship - Click 'Christian Resources' for details
Christian education opportunities beyond the church - Click 'Equipping Courses' for details
Bite-sized digestion of God’s word (Scripture . Observation . Application . Prayer) - Click 'S.O.A.P.' for details
A wide range of Christian resources is provided to help you grow in Christlikeness and to support your discipleship journey. The range of resources caters to Christians of all stages of spiritual maturity.
Start Exploring now! Click any one of the following:
Please contact Mr Chris Chong at chris_chong@agapemc.org.sg for details.